
All In a Day's Build

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All In a Day's Build

Have you ever paid attention to just how much work the average contractor can get done in a day? They seem to work at lightning speed, but it's not because they are cutting corners. It's because they are experts, and in many cases, they are experts with a lot of experience. You could install cabinets, lay flooring, or wire a light fixture pretty quickly, too, if you had done it 500 times before! Because we really admire both the speed and dexterity with which contractors are able to work, we decided to write more about this topic for readers like you. You'll find those articles here.


What to Know About Owning a Home with a Well Water System

If you recently started considering a homestead-style house purchase, there is more to know than what is within the house walls. One of the leading things you need to consider is what type of well water system you are using. Well water systems are popular on many homestead properties and rural locations. Before you move forward with the purchase, there are certain key points you need to know. These key points will help you understand the system as well as the maintenance involved with the system. 

Type of Well Water System

The first thing you need to know about your well water system is what type it is. There are four main types of wells—the most common options are either a hand-dug or drilled well, and the other two types of well systems are bored and driven. The key to these four wells is how the wells were placed. Usually how they were placed will directly connect to how they need to be used and maintained. Knowing this will also influence the type of filtration system you need. 


Filtration is vital when you have a water well system for your home. There are many types of filtration options. One thing to keep in mind when you are choosing your filtration system goes back to the type of well you have. For example, a hand-dug well may give you more grit and minerals in your water. If it is a much older hand-dug well, the need for filtration will only increase. The newer the well, the more likely it either has its own filtration system the water goes through before entering the home or is part of a much larger water well system that includes filtration points throughout the property. 

Water Monitoring

You need to make sure you are monitoring your water at all times. This means monitoring the pH, as well as keeping an eye on the purity that you are ingesting. You can do this with various monitors that make contact with the water throughout the process. You can also use pH strips to test the water. If you are unsure of the method that is best for your well water system, contact your well water system contractor. They can advise you on the ideal options and how to use them. 

If you have never owned a home with a well water system, you may have several questions. Contact a local well water system installation contractor. They can discuss the type of system you have and can show you how to maintain that system, possible issues you may have with that system, and any special filtration you may need in addition to the system. 

Reach out to a company such as Golden Gate Well Drilling & Water Conditioning to learn more.